You may have generated an SSH key pair that you use with git
on Windows Subsystem for Linux. But if you also want to use Git for Windows then you might want to reuse the same key on the Windows side so that you don’t need to maintain more keys on the remote, such as GitHub.
Category: "Git"
Did you commit and push something that you didn’t intend to? Don’t worry, it’s quite simple to fix!
Normally when you create a Git tag you should just let it be and not alter the history after the fact. But if you really need to move a tag forward how can it be done?
Having to use multiple accounts with Git can be cumbersome from time to time. You need to make sure that your name and email match the account you want to use for each repository and you may need to type different credentials depending on the repo. In this post I’ll show how to make your multi-account work with Git a pleasant experience.