
Hugo Single Page Templates Janne Kemppainen |

Now that our blog has a basic single post template it is time to move on to other content pages. In this post we will concentrate on pages such as About, Privacy Policy and Contact.

Even though the site itself is static it is possible to embed dynamic content from other sources. For example, the contact page will show you how to embed Google Forms as a contact form and a map showing your office location.

Improve Your Git Workflow With Github Hub Janne Kemppainen |

GitHub is an essential part of development for many software projects and it has a pretty good user experience on the website. However, sometimes you just want to do things from the command line. This is where the hub utility program comes in handy.

GitHub Hub is a small helper tool that lets you manage many of the GitHub features, such as opening pull requests, creating repositories, etc., straight from the command line. In this post I will show you most of the key features, and I’ve added some command aliases that should make your experience with hub even better.

Getting Started With Mosquitto on a Raspberry Pi Janne Kemppainen |

In this post we will install and configure a MQTT broker called Mosquitto on a Raspberry Pi.

To follow this post you will need a Raspberry Pi with the Raspbian OS installed. You can check out my previous tutorial to install and configure the Pi before starting with Mosquitto.

Show Twitter Follower Count with Google Spreadsheets as a Backend Janne Kemppainen |

I was quite surprised to get my first Twitter followers after linking my earlier blog post about developing with Windows Subsystem for Linux to Twitter as I’ve never really had a social media presence outside of my own circles. This gave me the idea to track how my Twitter following develops over time when I start from zero.

Given that I’m using a static blogging environment there is no server that could actively serve this data and routing users to my home server is definitely not an option. This is where Google Spreadsheets comes in handy as it turns out that you can fetch data in CSV format without having to use strong authentication! Read more to find out how I built the follower chart below.

Set Up a Raspberry Pi Home Server With Remote Access Janne Kemppainen |

In this blog post we will set up a Raspberry Pi home server and configure it to be accessible from the internet via SSH. You will also learn how to set up SSH forwarding so that you can access web pages that might be served in your private network without exposing them to the outside world.

Sure every other blog has instructions on installing Raspbian but I like to have an internal resource where to link to. This works as the “standard installation” for future blog posts.

How to Develop With Windows Subsystem for Linux? Janne Kemppainen |

Normally I’m writing this blog on a Mac but today I needed to use my Windows desktop PC instead. This meant that I needed to set up my environment properly with Visual Studio Code, Git, Hugo etc. In this post I’ll show you how to do development using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).

My use case is to run the Hugo development server and Git on WSL but to edit the source files with the native Visual Studio Code application. Another use case could be doing Node.js development with WSL.

Create a Single Post Template in Hugo Janne Kemppainen |

In this post we will create a template for single blog posts on our Hugo blog. The end result will be a clean and simple page with support for a featured image. It will also show the author, an author image, publish date and the estimated reading time.

Create a Layout for Your Hugo Theme Janne Kemppainen |

Last time we finally started creating our own theme and we were able to render something on the home page. We also created a template for the page head so that our pages will always contain the necessary metadata and information for social sharing. Next we’re going to create the basic layout for our page.

Let's Create a New Hugo Theme Janne Kemppainen |

Now that we know how the basics of Hugo it’s time to take a step further and start building our own theme. This post will lay the foundations for our theme so it won’t look like much in the beginning but it will be something that we can build on. We have lots of content to cover so let’s get going!

Vim for Git Users

All you need to know to commit

Janne Kemppainen |

Have you ever typed git commit without -m and felt powerless after being trapped inside of Vim (or Vi) with no way out? I’m here to help you!

I’ve been there and I remember searching for how to exit Vim without even considering the option to actually learn to use it. After finally taking the time to learn the Vim keybindings I’m now using them in other applications too!

Git Essentials for Beginners Janne Kemppainen | This subject has been touched by many people before me but I still decided to give my input so that I can have a reference for the readers of this blog. The idea is to get you started fast with Git so in this post we’ll go through the absolute basics and you’ll learn by doing yourself. What is a version control system? If you are new to all of this a version control system (VCS) in short is a piece of software that keeps track of changes in text files such as source code.
Getting Started with Hugo Janne Kemppainen |

In the last post of the series we touched the surface and learned what Hugo is. This time we will dive deeper and actually create our first example site with a ready theme.